Friday, October 14, 2011

Finally Friday!

I am looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow! Today was a long day! I had class this morning (Leonardo Da Vinci!) The lecturer was really funny and stressed that no one should ever call Leonardo by Da Vinci! I liked him right away! Also he pulled up the Mona Lisa and said you all know this and moved on. Finally someone else who doesn’t drool over the Mona Lisa! Actually he said most of the hype was around when it was stolen in the early 1900’s. It became front page news, returned and people became fascinated with it. The Mona Lisa just isn’t as cool as everyone thinks it is!

After class I had THREE hours until my library tour. Gah. So I figured out how to log onto the compys in the library, got my print credits all set up, and got my library card for the senate house. I also made a friend (I think!) and we bought tickets to a Leonardo talk on Dec 2nd with the worlds leading expert on Leo… Martin Kemp. It only cost 4 pounds! The exhibit is coming to the National Gallery in November so I am excited to see it.

The library tour was too informative. I didn’t retain anything really except a website that organizes your research. Its called and I really REALLY could have used it for my honors project! I just came home and downloaded it! I am excited to figure it out. If I can it will really help me I think! Also I found Google chrome on y computer and I am in love with it already. Internet explorer is SO slow compared to it!

I watched Greys last night (thanks again to Jessi!) and it was greys meets Star Wars/Lord of the Rings. Loved it! Best episode yet! (ok maybe not but still… it was fun!)

I cant decide what Im going to do tomorrow. I need to pick an adventure. After the library tour at the Senate House I was going to go to the British Museum because we were so close. Well apparently I hit British Library not British Museum on my phone map and I ended up far away from it. I had a feeling walking there that it wasn’t right. Nothing looked familiar! So instead my adventure tonight was taking the double decker bus to Notting Hill Gate (to catch the district line tube there). It was fun being up so high and seeing the city!

I am used to doing things alone and exploring the city. Its just living alone that is weird… and lonely. I need friends!

Off to skype mom and the sister! :)

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