Monday, October 24, 2011


The weather is beautiful here. I heard once the clocks change (they do next weekend) and the cold sets in all of us are going to be extremely depressed… but right now I don’t need a jacket and the sky is really blue and cloudless. Its gorgeous! I slept in again (love it!) and headed to Sainsburys because 1. Sundays are my groceries days it seems, and 2. I had nothing for lunch except for some carrot sticks. Not enough!

After lunch I headed to the library to take full advantage of the free wifi. I am SO lucky to live two blocks from the library. I just remember Rome… taking the 40 bus for 10-15 minutes to get to a McDonalds and having buy something to use the internet! Dear Library.. I am appreciative of you! Not only for wifi… I am currently nose deep in Jane Austen’s Persuasion. I take it everywhere. I feel like a native when I read on the tube instead of staring at the map to make sure I get off at the right stop. I am just waiting for the day I get too involved in my book and miss my stop! It wont be the end of the world, but I am just waiting. I usually don’t read on the way into school. Im just too sleepy. I just check my email and zone to my ipod. Music saves me in the morning! Anyways… I went to the library until about 2 and headed back home.

I decided to go to Piccadilly and do some Christmas shopping. I know that sounds crazy… its October. A bit early for Christmas but they don’t have Thanksgiving here (really sad about that one!) so they are already pumped about Christmas. I LOVE Christmas but its early… 2 months and 2 days actually! I headed to Fortnum and Masons where I feel in love. This store is (as Laura Burns would say) TOP NOTCH. I love it. Its Tiffanys of Kitchen and food stuff. The men on the staff wear tuxs… with tails. (Is that what they are called??) That is just awesome. Its Pride and Prejudice in 2011. I love it! The guy who helped me was so incredibly gay and he was awesome! So nice and helpful in his TUX. I spent too much money honestly but the majority of it were Christmas gifts. Those of you who are still laughing at the fact I went Christmas shopping, the Big Ben ornament that I wanted was ALREADY out of stock. Yeah. I got a little solider instead! That was my gift to myself! I said no to teapots, teapot cozies, china, towels and food. Oh I did get the cutest linen napkins. Not saying how much they were… but they are really cute. I only bought two! I have realized that I have very very VERY expensive taste. Everything I wanted was the high end stuff. I found a really pretty teapot. I wasn’t going to buy it but I looked to see if I could save my money for it. Umm… 250 pounds. Not happening. I spent forever in there and had a blast shopping for me and others! Oh I bought a cookie… it was one of those pre-packages sugar cookies. I didn’t have high expectations. Those are never very special. Well… I ate mine and almost fell over in shock. One of the BEST cookies I have ever had! It cost 2 pounds so it should have been, but the frosting and the cookie… ummm.

After I continued from Piccadilly towards Oxford Circus. I was looking for an H&M to grab some tights so I can wear my cute skirts in the fall and winter. (the heavy knit ones that actually keep you warm!) I found it and bought some tights, 3 shirts for 6 pounds total, and a sweater. I need to bring the one pair of tights back. I didn’t realize that they didn’t have the feet. Gah! And I got cream and brown and really only need the brown so I can get money back for the one pair! Today was just so much fun. It was a blast!

I cant believe Im going to say this… it is annoying not having the internet but it really gets me out and about. Also I get a lot more reading done and work done with being distracted! I still cant wait to have it back though! Oh speaking of school work… Christies is always saying how hard this course is. Im waiting for it to get hard. Im used to reading for 4 classes and having papers, projects, and discussions for four classes. I have reading for two which meet once a week. Yes I will have two papers due at the end of the term, but until then Im just roaming around London. This week I wil have work because I have two presentations but after the two presentations I have one project due Nov. 11, and then two papers due Dec. 9th. Maybe term two and three will be harder?? I don’t know. Im loving this though! Learning lot with minimum outside of school work. Beautiful!

I really have no idea what I want to do for my thesis. Im lost. Honors was such an easy decision… this not so much!

Oh I just know I am the talk of Hurlingham Square. I bet the Dragon has called everyone and told all of her little old evil friends.

Well im off to shower and read so I can go to bed early!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a great Sunday! Shopping can be so much fun. I'm so glad that you were able to have fun looking around at different stores! Good luck on your presentations! I know that you'll do fine :)
