Thursday, October 20, 2011

Rest of yesterday and today

Last night went so smoothly! I got a call at about 6 rom the car company saying that there was a problem… there was a football match in Fulham (Chelsea vs Arsenal) would there be any chance that I could be ready early. I was already ready so I said sure and 10 minutes later the car was there. Awesome! Everything fit into the car (I was worried!) and in an hour I was outside of my new abode. I lugged my crap upstairs (I need to take a picture of the staircase sometime… Im going to kill myself on it!) I unpacked and got all settled and then remembered that I had no food so I ran out to Sainsbury’s. It was uneventful and I came home, showered and went to bed by 10:30! I survived my first night! :)

This morning I did not want to get up! (shocker. When do I??) I got ready and headed out the door (after checking 15 times to make sure that I had my paper that is due today!) The walk is longer than it was at Parson’s Green but the tube ride was only about 10 minutes! Awesome! So the commute was fast and painless! I even think I figured out the bus from my flat to the tube so if Im really lazy someday maybe Ill give that a try!

Class was boring this morning. It was the Sistine Chapel. I have heard about the Sistine Chapel SO many times! I just want to yell “I appreciate it! STOP lecturing us!!” After that I spent lunch reading the article I have to give my presentation on next Friday. My strength is reading comprehension. (ask the SAT) In an hour I got through 6 pages and I don’t really understand most of it. I HATE art history theory. HATE IT! Tomorrow is my first class so I can see how the other people are doing their presentations. Im so glad I am not going first!

After getting a headache from that we went to our first print handling session. I was disappointed that the prints were until plastic and we weren’t encouraged to touch. Hmmm… what I did get out of it is that I cant tell an engraving from an etching unless its REALLY obvious and I never want a career in prints. I am just not a fan.

I headed home at 3 and met the mom and two kids that live above me. The mom seems nice. She apologized for her little boy because she says that he thumps. Eh whatever. I can take a thumping toddler! Then I went to the big Sainsburys to get apartment stuff… and it was kind of a fail. I only got a bathmat, dishtowels and a wastepaper basket. So that was kind of frustrating. I did figure out the bus to get there in back though so I was impressed!

Tomorrow will be a long day I think. I am tired from the stress of this week and the last class tomorrow will be torture I think (Art. History. Theory. ) Im trying to make it without the internet. Its hard though being alone and not having the internet when you cant call anyone!

Im at the library with free wifi!! WOO!!! I am excited. I am very very tired though so kind of grumpy. Everything just has felt like a challenge lately. I just want life to get a little easier for me! Sigh. I am going to be very very stressed next week with my presentations coming up. This weekend wont be very fun!

Im starting to feel very alone… living myself is odd.

Oh some of you requested my letter that left. I actually feel really bad about it.

I am sorry to have left before you came home.
I was given an opportunity to move and felt I could not turn it down.
I have left you L140 for this week's rent
I will put the key through the cat door as I leave.
Thank you for your help in getting me acquainted with London

1 comment:

  1. I'm really glad that you're all moved in! I really like it. It's cute. You'll have to download some movies or something so that you're not as bored! Or bring some dvds back with you after Christmas. I'm sure living by yourself is really weird. But I'm sure that in a few weeks you'll get used to it and not mind it so much :)

    Good luck getting everything else that you need for your apartment. Also good luck on your presentation. I know that you'll do well!!

    Thinking of you! Love you!!!
