Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Just a Tuesday

This morning didn’t start off so great. I was wondering why the Dragon was clamoring around the kitchen at 8 in the morning. I get ready for school (im kinda running late thanks to falling back to sleep between snoozes) and as soon as I walk into the kitchen Im greeted with a “Look what you’ve done”. Turns out I single handily defrosted her freezer. Gah. There was water all over (which she had mopped) but I was “lucky because I really could have had caused severe damage if the water had gotten to the carpet”. Her and her stupid carpet! Anyways I apologized while trying to quickly make my lunch for school. I half-listened to her rant. Im just hoping that the salmon is alright because knowing my luck she will think it is ruined and I’ll have to pay for it. I just left the house and hurried to the tube.

My student oyster card hadn’t come yesterday. (It came today actually and my picture looks really good! O and for people who don’t know an oyster card is a tube/bus credit card thing. The student ones are discounted quite a bit so I really wanted one!) So today I decided to just buy one day at 8 pounds instead of buying the week at 28 pounds because I knew it would come soon. I go to the machine and buy a single day. It comes to 8 pounds and I insert my 20 pound note because I really need change so breaking a 20 seemed like a good plan. My ticket pops out along with a 2 pound coin. The machine didn’t give me my 10 pound note. I go to the man in the window and tell him the tale. He looks at me like Im the dumbest person he has ever met and say “machines don’t give back notes, just coins” so I say cant you do anything for me. He says no. So I literally threw away 10 pounds (15 dollars) into a machine. I was angry.

I get on the tube and I start sweating. Really badly again. Thinking about how great of a morning I have had I am just waiting to pass out. I didn’t though and didn’t even feel like I was going to but I was paranoid the entire ride into school!

School was awesome. Im such a nerd! We had 15th-16th century tapestries today. I don’t know how I missed learning about them at HWS! It was really interesting. After the lecture they asked anyone who needed help with housing to stay after class. (about time Christies!) I stayed of course and so did two other girls. The Japanese girl was there and I have decided I could never live with her.. and Clemance (cane spell her name) is French and she seems cool enough. We all told our horror stories (all of us found our people in the Christies catalog. Hmmm…..) and we have to meet with Hela to tell her that our situations aren’t working and we got the from Christies. Anyways Rebecca (a tutor) told us about Loot… a free advertising paper that we should look in. (I tried to buy this after school and my really nice newspaper lady told me to wait to tomorrow because that is the new issue). Also Rebecca was going to look up some agents that she has used in the past and put some feelers out for us. I would even be ok with sharing a flat with Clemance if it comes to it! I am really trying to find somewhere by the weekend so I can move out next week. The Dragon is going to France and I want to make my great escape without her here!

I have realized that all I talk about is the Dragon. Im getting tired of her and you all are probably sick of hearing me complain so change of topic! I love London. I loved Rome, but in a different way. The people here are nicer, they speak English so it is easier to communicate and they actually wear normal clothing unlike New Yorkers. Sorry USA, but Rome beats NYC and London blows both of them out of the water! I just like the culture and British history so Im loving London! Also the museums are FREE! Not the special exhibits, but the normal ones are! The accents though are hard for me. Not all but Scottish!! O my goodness. I love how it sounds but listening to a lecture in a thick Scottish accent takes concentration!

School… I love it but its going to start getting hard. Actually maybe not… but im nervous anyways. When I think about it 2 final papers, 2 presentations, and 2 projects is nothing! I had that in each of my four classes at HWS! Im just nervous that the theory course will take up a lot of my time. After this week Im going to be busy for two weeks but then things seem to die down until the end of the course. ( I have a Degas Review due on the 20th, my presentation on the 28th, my other presentation on Nov. 1st and my last project on the 11th.) My last project will be fun. Its an artifact analysis so Im not worried! I just have to live through the 1st of November!

Another thing that is going to be weird… I need to change my word processing to the UK setting. They spell thing differently and we were told today that we are in the UK so you write like you are in the UK. Awesome. So I guess its mould instead of mold, and theatre instead of theater! It will just take a bit to get used it! I cant imagine having English as my second language and taking this course! Its hard enough when I speak English! Curtains are even called something else! (something that starts with a p)

I ate dinner early (5:30) so I could avoid the Dragon as she isn’t home yet from her little lunch date with whoever. I cant wait until she leaves on Thursday!! I wont see her much tomorrow as Ill be spending my day looking for a new home! Tonight Im going to try to write some of my review so I can get it over with. Im sorry to you if you are someone on my “I need to email list” (mainly Jessi and Katie!) Im trying to get stuff done so I can send you both a long overdo email! Im just hoping that the Dragon doesn’t bring up the freezer again!

Cups of Tea: still 5


  1. It's okay. Whenever you get around to emailing is okay :) Oh my goodness, honestly how did you manage to defrost the freezer? Was it really your fault or just something that happened? Honestly it was a little humorous to read about. Although I hope that she doesn't bring it back up for you either. Classes and London sounds AWESOME!!! I am really glad that you are really enjoying them, since that's what you're there for anyway!!

  2. My pizza box was sticking out and the door didnt shut. Awesome huh?? She didnt mention it again so hopefully im in the clear!
