Monday, October 3, 2011

A blah and boring day

Today was a blah day. The morning lecture at school was good but then it kinda went eh from there on. We have a HUGE lunch break from 11:45-1:30. It sounds nice but there isn’t anywhere to go so you end up sitting in the lounge eating and then waiting for class again. At 1:30 we got an assignment that is due in 3 weeks (go to the Degas exhibit and write a review) It doesn’t sound too horrible. IT was the 3:00 class that really made the day fun. It’s a seminar… and the professor is the guy who interviewed my in NYC… and I have to teach one of the lessons. Gah. Art history theory is HARD. I have no idea how to understand what im reading let alone teach it to people. It’s going to be bad….. Im already stressed about that. Sigh

Its really hard to make friends at school. Not just because I don’t talk… but a lot of people are old. There are married women, middle aged women, women who have already had successful careers and are changing jobs. There are barely any who have come right from undergrad. Especially in my program. Kinda sucks. I think its going to be a lonely year.

I called the guy about the viewing today. He said he didn’t know when the woman who is living there was actually moving out so I need to call back next week. Sigh. Im going to be living with Dragon Lady forever. There is a magnet on her fridge that says “Start the morning with a smile so you can get it over with.” Are you KIDDING me?? She is a real fun lady. I got a lesson tonight about how to put things in the dishwasher because apparently I have been putting the glasses in wrong. Fun Fun.

Well im off to shower and then look at my school stuff and see how bad my text that I have to teach is. Im giving up all hope of ever moving out.


  1. Oh man! I'm sorry it's so rough. Maybe the housing will pull through. And making friends with older women isn't too terrible, you did work with some I'm guessing? I mean older as in older than us. It will all work out. And since you know about having to teach, office hours could be useful? Best of luck, I'm here if you need to talk!

  2. Good luck dude! I'm sorry to hear about the housing. That is a bummer. I still haven't heard anything. And common older woman, it sounds like I fall in that category now since I'm married and old. I'm pretty cool and easy to get along with. :) Never know, maybe some of them aren't too bad! :) Good luck on the lesson. If you need any teaching pointers let me know. Can't wait to talk tomorrow!
