Monday, October 17, 2011

A Grumpy Robber

I have been a grump today. I admit it. I had to get up early this morning and go to a seminar about opportunities at Christies. What a waste a time. Basically the message is good luck. We have no chance. There were 5100 applicants for 220 spots, and most of those 220 spots were open for internal movement only. Meh. I didn’t want to work there anyways. It sounds like working at Chautauqua, but the people are actually rich and there is art involved. Not my cup of tea. I would rather skip the people part and just have the art! After that the lecture was really cool. It was all about Renaissance dress. It was epic. Then it was lunch time and off to Museum Rotation number one. My group went to the Victoria and Albert Museum. I talked VOLUNTARILY in class 3 times. I was so proud of myself. I still have no friends, but at least Ill get good grades for being a loner. I felt a little light headed at times so I was freaking out through the whole thing. I didn’t want to the loner that faints randomly when I see a Donatello (we were in the Donatello room!) I managed not to pass out and offer three answers. Impressive.

I came home and my books from mom were on the front step. I almost cried with relief. PHEW they are here! I grabbed them and pretty much hugged them all the way to the door. Then I had a brand new experience that I bet none of you have had. Has anyone been in someone’s attic without being allowed to? I was today. I felt like a robber. A clumsy and slow one (I couldn’t figure out how the stairs came down from the ceiling) but a thief none the less. It is weird being someone that you know you aren’t allowed to be but you are grabbing your own things that are tucked away in the corner. It was spooky too because she has SO much stuff in random piles everywhere. I was praying the ENTIRE time that I wouldn’t knock a mountain over and cause 100 things to shatter.

After that odd experience I started packing. All I have left is the closet, bathroom and the books spread around my floor. I am excited to move but its going to be a pain. I am feeling like a nomad! Oh and the water and electricity are going to be on when I move in. The dad is going to give me numbers to call to get everything in my name. The internet, however, wont be which is stressful. I kinda need the internet and I cant figure out how to set it up. I have been looking up plans but they all want my home phone number. Blah. Im going to try to go into an Orange store tomorrow and see whats up.

Tonight is finishing laundry, showering and maybe reading. Oh I decided to try the dryer…. I was scared so I put it on gentle dry for 15 minutes. Nothing really happened. So I got a little braver and did intense dry for 30 mins… now my towel and sweatshirt are hot and damp instead of cold and damp. The dryer stinks.

Tomorrow is the morning lecture, a gallery visit and then internet hunting!


  1. I am SO proud of you for speaking up during class! YAY!! You're going to do so well :) And I'm really glad that you didn't pass out. Maybe you should get that checked out when you come home for winter break.

    You crack me up about being the attic robber. LOL. Did you have butterflies in your stomach the whole time? I would have. Glad that packing is going well. How exciting. Are you still getting a car I hope?

    I am glad that you can call about the utilities. Good luck with the internet tomorrow. Hopefully that'll be easy once you go to the store. At least maybe they can turn you in the right direction.

    The dryer sounds weird. Hopefully everything dried!

    Good luck! Can't wait to hear about the move! Love you!!

  2. Thanks!! I tried. Now if I could just find some friends. One would even be nice. Sigh. Dude I had MASSIVE amounts of butterflies! I felt like someone was watching me the entire time too!! I miss you!

  3. There was probably some ghost up there watching you. Creepy!!!!
