Saturday, October 8, 2011

Cleaning the Lair

Cleaning… it is so much fun! It is even better when you have to clean your portion of the Dragon’s Lair. I woke this morning and after checking my email, plunged into cleaning. First was dusting. There was no dust to dust but I moved the dust rag around every surface just so I had actually done it. Actually I lied… first I picked up my stuff so I could dust. I had to push all my stuff under the wardrobe farther so she wouldn’t be able to see my notebooks and have another “suggestion” about where to put them. When I was done dusting I stalled because Dragon Lady was going to the theater and leaving at noon. Finally when she left I took everything off of the bed…. And had to remake it with the clean set of sheets. Ok this was my first experience of making a double bed. The bed/sheets almost won the battle. By the end I was sweating but the bed looks really good. No creases, everything tucked in. I did a good job! (If Dragon Lady inspects my making of the bed Im moving into a hotel that very moment) After struggling making the bed I carted the half a ton of sheets down the stairs to the washing machine. (the sheets are really thick, that is why there is half of a ton!)

I have been known to be scolded for over filling the washer. This I blame HWS for because each load was $1.25 and if Im paying that much to wash Im going to wash as much as I can! SO when I was sitting on the kitchen floor peering into the tiny front loading washer I decided that I would be murdered if something happened to this machine. I decided to put one heavy sheet in with two pillow cases. (now that I write that out I seem stupid but really… it’s a small washer and the sheets are really thick and HUGE) Just as I am turning it on Dragon Lady walks in the door. Awesome. She forgot her glasses. She sees me sitting there holding half of the sheets and has a fit. She yells stop runs over to the machine, asks what I put in there, swears and then tells me that Im wasting money by not doing all the sheets together. Really? My luck sucks. So she puts the machine on spin so it wont wash them and tells me when spin is done, add ALL the sheets and then wash them together. And then she leaves. I was silent through the entire thing because she would not have wanted me to open my mouth. I need to move out.

The rest of the day is pretty boring. I “hoovered”, finished the laundry, cleaned the bathroom, ate cheerios on the bed (without milk… im not that rebellious), worked on my review (didn’t get nearly as much done as I wanted), made a grocery and stalked the gumtree website for hours. The one thing that didn’t get done was washing my towel. I am too afraid to. It’s hot pink and never has been near a washing machine before. Knowing my luck I will ruin her towels, or leave pink lint in the washer or something. Gah. I don’t know what to do. Hopefully move out within the week so I can wash it somewhere else! I may use one of the spare towels in the bathroom this week. This is so pathetic! I cant even do laundry without fear. Grrrr…..

Tomorrow I got stuck going to a stupid jewelry fair that costs me 7 pounds AND I have to spend the day with her. I hate my life! I do NOT want to go. At all. Anyone wanna come hang out with the Dragon for me??

Im off to make dinner without my every move being watched and critiqued. Then hopefully getting some work done!

1 comment:

  1. I hope that you had a good night. At least you got everything cleaned. Just wash you towel with your dark clothes and you'll be fine. Just make sure to empty the lint trap in the dryer when you're all done. Good luck tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you.
