Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Just a Tuesday

Today went better than yesterday. I was running a little bit later today because Dragon Lady was downstairs when I left. Gah! She has a sitting room and never uses it. Instead she sits in the kitchen and there was this morning looking like death because she had horrible bed hair and no makeup on. (she actually isn’t that bad looking with makeup…. Its without it things get scary.) Nothing like a shock in the morning to wake you up for class! Anyway she HAD to make small talk so she asked what international trips I was going on with Christies… I told her and instantly she had to give me all the advice on how Christies books trips and how ill fly Ryanair and stay in 3 star hotels. Im really getting to the point that I want to talk back to her but at the same time I don’t want to die. So I finally said I was running late (not really because I give myself an hour and half for an hour trip) and I was free.

My morning class was easy. Way easy. Early Italian Renaissance…. I could have written a paper on that in my sleep. I barely took notes and just enjoyed a really easy review lecture. Then it was an hour and a half lunch in which I ate my normal (pb sandwich, fruit snacks and a fruit) I have no idea what im ging to do without welchs fruit snacks in a few weeks. I only have 20 packets left! Then I spent the rest of my tie reading my really good book that I am addicted to. I know I should be meeting new people but the ones around me were ridiculous (I know I sound snotty but I don’t want to hear about some random girl’s hook ups that she has had since her time here and how many dates she has lined up from guys she has met at the bar. Yes I think I lost some IQ points) I couldn’t move either to a new group of people because the lounge was packed and there were no seats open. I was lucky to have one!

After lunch was a 30 min intro to another seminar. I somehow pushed my way to the signup after the preview and got Patrick for my tutor (we had a choice for this seminar. I got the cool tutor that I had on the first day of orientation and we are doing Baroque Portraits!!) The other choices were ore Italian Renaissance which frankly Im getting tired of doing. So I am so excited about this seminar. I will have to teach a class though. Why does Christies hate us??

In the Great Portland tube station (the one right near school) I met a girl from my scary seminar (from yesterday) Her name is Katie and she is from New Zealand. She lives in Parsons Green also and we rode the tube together and chatted. She said that it is customary for New Zealanders to come to London for a bit after they finish up school. She did that and then went home, and decided to come back. Now she is in the Christies program with me. She lives with friends from home and said that sharing a flat is the best way to go. Yeah…. Wish I had friends. She said that I shouldn’t have to live like I am and I need to find something else! (the no sitting on the bedspread really shocks people) She said tho that this is a rough tie for housing and maybe I should wait a bit and keep looking after the student rush. Sigh. That means more time in the Dragons Lair.

I came home and actually announced I was home (yesterday I didn’t and I shocked her by barging in). Today when I bellowed she was on the phone so she wasn’t too happy that I bellowed. Yes… it’s a lose-lose situation here at 5 Hurlington Square. She spent a half hour tomenting a poor man on the phone about her stupid tv problems. It reminded me of the calls that I got from good ole Chautauquans. I would have hung up her though. And I have been inspired by my recent journey to the Sherlock Holmes museum…. I have been trying to see if she comes in my only two rooms in the entire house. The answer… yes. First of all the bathroom…. She picks up my bathmat. I intentionally leave it on the floor just to see… Also she puts up the toilet lid. This is strange… When I came it was down so I have been putting back down and I usually set my towel on there while showering etc. When I come home from school its up. Weird. I left a wrinkle in the bedspread today on purpose and the bed was completely smooth when I came back. AND she told me today that the Sunday paper isn’t as good as the Saturday paper (which she said was a big difference between London and the New York Times. Insert eyeroll) so that means that she saw my Sunday Times sitting on my desk which is under one of my notebooks! Im thinking about leaving my underwear on the floor tomorrow just to see what happens ; ) I think that would be fun!

Off to watch some random movie with the Dragon Lady and then skyping the sister!! WOO!

P.S I am really giving up hope of finding a new home


  1. Heh your underwear comment made me laugh. Ugh rough time, but I like hearing about your investigations. Best of luck with the housing! It sounds terrible but will make any other opportunity you get sound awesome.
    Send me a list of things to put in a care package, just in case I feel the need to send one! :)

  2. Hahaha, the underwear thing made me laugh like crazy too!! Honestly if you don't find another housing arrangement you NEED to publish a book. People would be laughing all day long! I do feel badly for you but I look forward to reading your blogs, it's like a new chapter in a book that I can only read at night time!!

    And it was AWESOME skyping!!! Thanks!! I miss and love you!!!!
