Sunday, October 2, 2011

One Week Mark

First of all wow… I survived the LONGEST week of my life. First week of pre-season soccer training at HWS…. Piece of cake compared to this. I really do LOVE London and school seems like it will be fun. (Such a nerd I know) Stressful at times maybe but nothing I cant handle ;)

Other news today….. my blog has reached new heights of FAME! Im up to 9 followers! Woo! Actually I know more than that read it because of the emails/facebook comments/messages/and skypes I get about it. Thanks to all who are reading! It makes me feel like Im still in touch with you!

Today I got up WAY too early in order to buy a paper. I thought that I would head to Sainsbury’s (the 7 Eleven (but nicer) of London) to grab a paper. Well it would have worked if I wouldn’t have gotten lost on my way. Granted the ONLY time I have been there is with Dragon Lady after I had been awake for 20+ hours. No wonder I got lost. So I walked 15 mins there and 15 mins back to my starting point for no reason. Healthy steps I guess! Then I went to the tube stop and got a paper from a really nice man in one of the newspaper counter things. He was super nice and friendly which was fun. I trudged back 10 mins to home sweet home (which I have now nicknamed the Dragon’s Lair. Sounds way cooler) and ripped open the paper to find the “flats for let” section. (for those Americans out there let=rent) They were all BEAUTIFUL. If only I had 1000’s of pounds to dish out a week. I ended up reading the paper because that was a TON of work for nothing otherwise. Oh and its interesting how important the States are in the paper. Most of the stories were about us. Except the sports section because that is all about Cricket, Rubgy and real football so obviously the USA would not be news in those sports!

Next in the day.. a nap : ) Hey.. 8am was early and I did a lot of walking! Then it was brunch, some surfing of the internet (I cant seem to give up gumtree even though it doesn’t work for me at all). I decided to go venture out again because I was on pins ans needles waiting for dragon lady to return. I went to Piccadilly Circus and walked towards Oxford Street and did some shopping. I went in purse store, shoe stores, clothing stores.. and bought nothing. My downfall was Hamsleys…. A 5 storied toystore. Yup I bought a toy. Sirius Black’s wand to be exact (check facebook for photos!)

I can home to an empty house, shoved Heinz Chicken Noodle Soup down my throat (its gross btw) so I would be out of the kitchen when Dragon Lady came home. When she did I was informed that I forgot to lock both of the deadbolts. I only did the bottom one and not the top one. (she should be lucky I remembered the alarm this time!) Also I didn’t turn the dial on the washing machine back up to the correct “off” position. None of you have any idea how confusing the locks/alarm is. When I need to set it, when I don’t. When and do and do not lock the bottom deadbolt or the top one. Its crazy and stupid. I want to tell her she lives in a locked gated community and one lock and an alarm on her door would must likely be enough. But hey I just live here.

Tomorrow is the first day of legit school. It should be fun. Im anxious to get into a routine and see how hard its going to be. I have class only 4 days a week!! Wednesdays are study days! Woo!

I have been forgetting to mention that it has been record temps here in London. Its been HOTT. Nice for the girl who missed summer because she wore pants to work to survive the air-conditioning! It can be a bit much on the tube though! Im enjoying it however because it will be COLD soon!

Another fact that the Dragon Lady shouldn’t know…. I have an entire drawer of my dresser filled with Sour patch kids, Swedish Fish, and corn nuts : )) hehe.

Well I think that is it for the night! I should go to bed so I can wait up cheery for the day. I have one last lead for housing tomorrow… I am hoping viewing a double bedroom with kitchen tomorrow!!

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love that you're hiding junk food in the wardrobe :) They are all so good!

    Good luck tomorrow. Can't wait to hear about it. And I wish I could go to the 5 story toy store!!
