Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The best Day so far!

Today has been a rollercoaster ride of a day! I am so thankful that it ended on a good note! A great one actually! It started off not so great. I woke up late so I was going to miss the 10am tour of the student housing (the one that I really couldn’t afford anyways) So I get off the tube and decide to find the place so I can make the 11am tour. I got lost. Couldn’t find it to save my life and the area was kind of weird and not super sketchy, but sketchy enough. So I gave up (crap are, out of my price range and INCREDIBLY lost). I headed back to Hammersmith to the Starbucks, where I ordered a CafĂ© Mocha so I could sit there and call people who placed ads in Loot (a paper of ads) for flats. I called 8 people and only one really sounded nice. (the others were agents (who have fees),or people at work who wanted me to call them back) The nice guy said that his son would call me in a few hours to arrange a viewing. He called within 20 minutes and said that he had a viewing at 2:15 if I wanted to come. I said sure, and then he said to come at 1:15 so I would beat all the other viewings of the day. Sweet!

So I headed to Willesdan Green for the viewing. I noticed that it was in the perfect spot, right on the edge of zone 2 (for the tube. It gets more expensive the farther out you get so I really wanted to stay in zone 2) and its on the Jubilee line which means I ride a few stops to Baker Street, switch trains and go one stop to Great Portland. So easy to get to class! Anyways I arrive and its on High Road (meaning everything is on that road. Grocery stores, restaurants…. Everything) The son is about my age and he works for his dad showing his dad’s properties. He was really nice and friendly. I can just tell I am not getting scammed. He shows me the place. Its cute (smells really strongly of paint because they just redecorated) You walk in and the bedroom is on the left and the bathroom is off of the bedroom. Down the hall is the living room with a half wall between the kitchen. Its really small but super cute. I like it. There a fridge, washing machine, oven etc. I am hoping there is a microwave but honestly I cant remember! Oh well its not like I have one right now anyways.

He says that the price doesn’t include bills. Sigh. So I choked. I said I would think about and talk to my parents. I leave and call mom. No answer (she had to pick today to go out to breakfast!!!) So I frantically call dad. We decide go for it. I text Jack… no response. I think at this point I lost it (he had a viewing right after e) after awhile I call him…. Its still available!!! I snag it! We meet back up and I sign the contract for 6 months (extendable at one month increments), get receipts and I move in WEDNESDAY! I am so pumped.

I am still nervous and stressed though. Now I have to set up a bank account before Wednesday and I need to figure out how to become exempt from the council tax (im a student!) and set up my water, internet, and electric! I have never done any of this in the USA so I am lost about how to do it in London. I guess I will figure it out somehow!

Tonight is my last night with the Dragon. I am so excited. She leaves tomorrow for France and Ill make my great escape! I really need to do schoolwork tonight so I may post again if anything interesting comes up or Ill write again tomorrow!!

In all seriousness…. ANYONE who wants to come to London now has a free home. Warning… you have to share a double bed with me or sleep on the futon couch. :) I am serious about anyone coming! I would LOVE visitors!


  1. Sounds great!! So glad you got a new place! And since I sleep on a futon at my home, it wouldn't be a big deal. I would love to come see you, but I am sorta booked up. I will keep you in mind if I need an escape!! So happy for you!

  2. Cool. Glad to hear! I hope everything works out and you can figure out the utilities soon!! Can't wait to skype about it.
