Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Only Tuesday??? Sigh

Today was an ok normal day. The morning lecture was incoherent, vague and ALL over the place. It was about the High Renaissance but there were alterpieces thrown in the beginning from the early Renaissance then we ended with right before the Sistine chapel… in an hour and a half we covered a HUGE amount of material. It was not informative considering I had seen all of the images before and had gone to many of the places we covered in Rome! I wish I just could have slept in instead!

After lecture I ate my measly lunch and went to the post office with Betsy. Then I had to go to class at the Wallace collection. We were the only group that had class today! Gah! But it was really interesting. The Wallace Collection is pretty awesome. My seminar is on Baroque Portraits which I know nothing about so I actually have to pay attention in that class!

We only stayed there for an hour and after I headed to Oxford Street since I was so close to it already. I went to the Orange store and bought my router. If I already have a phone line I don’t need an engineer to come set anything up. My line will be active in 10 working days (Lame but WAY better than a month which everyone else has said!) If I do need an engineer to come Im going to be depressed because that will take 20 working days. I am really REALLY hoping I wont need an engineer. The guy said I probably wont if the tenant before me had a router (which she did). So Im keeping my fingers crossed because the internet is my life line at the moment and Il need it for school. Don’t take your interent for granted anyone! It sucks if you don’t have it and lugging everything to a wireless place (such at McDonalds) stinks! I will keep up with my blog! I will just have to post at school either inbetween class or after! Everyone may have to wait a little bit for pictures of my new pad! Hopefully only ten working days! (they said within so I am really hoping to have the world wide web by next Friday!) I just want something to go right and be easy here!

On the way home from Oxford Street today I was standing at the Notting Hill Gate tube station waiting for my train to Wimbledon (it is not a regular train which means lots of waiting) and I was reading the advertisements to pass time. I noticed one for the ballet at the Royal Opera House. They are putting on Sleeping Beauty! (Who doesn’t like Sleeping Beauty!) I went home and googled it…. And I ended up buying myself a ticket! It was only 15 pounds! Not too shabby! It is in the crap section but I really didn’t want to buy the next level (56 pounds) and the cheaper ones are standing only for 10 pounds. I decided for 5 more pounds Ill have a chair! So I am excited! I figured that was more ok to go to alone than the England vs Sweden football game! AND its cheaper, and in the Royal Opera House!

This is my last night in the lair! I am so excited! I don’t like being here alone, and I don’t like her being here! It’s a lose lose. I wish she would just come home at 10-10:30 every night so I knew someone was coming home, but I would never have to see her :) That would be perfect! But tomorrow is another adventure! I called for my car and said my address that I wanted picked up. The guy immediately said :Oh Mrs. Armytage’s place!” great…. I know that she uses them a lot but I didn’t know she used them THAT much! I hope she doesn’t trace me through them! I have an embarrassing amount of stuff to fit in the car tomorrow. I hope the guy doesn’t hate me!

Tonight is pretty chill. Shower, skyping, going to bed early. I have to get my keys at 9am! GAH that is early! I am ready to get settled somewhere! I feel like a nomad with no home. I really hadn’t ever settled in here because I wanted to move so badly! Im anxious for tomorrow!

Cups of Tea: 8

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that you were able to get a router. I hope that the internet is up and working for you in no time at all. That would be nice! Just keep me posted so that we know when we can skype!!

    Good luck moving tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you!!!
