Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Wed.

Today has been a long day! I got up at 9 and ran off to school even though I didn’t have class. I really needed to work on my presentations for Friday and next Tuesday. I worked from 10:30-1:15, ate lunch really fast and went to lecture. Lecture was pretty sweet today. It was all about English silver. There is no way that can be boring! I learned all the clues to telling between quality silver and crap! Im pretty excited. I want to go out and collect silver now! (I would need money to do this….) Silver though is a legit investment because the piece has value for just being silver and since the paper money (or notes) are going down the drain the prices of silver are going up. Currently one ounce of silver is worth 15.90 pounds.

After lecture I went to Waterstones to get the lecturers recommended pocket guide to hallmarks of silver. I got the only copy there so BooYah! I also wandered around the store for an hour and only bought one other book. It was on Rubens so I am counting it as a school book! (It was only 5 pounds too!) Also I tried really hard to find a poster of the English Monarchs. I am in desperate need of one for two reasons. First of all my apartment needs decoration. Secondly my professors keep saying “Edwardian” of “Georgian” and I don’t know their reigns so I have to figure out the dates by myself. I am going to go see Buckingham this weekend so I am hoping that a tourist shop will have one.

After that I went home (Goodge Street Station is a pain to get to from Willesden Green I have found out!) I grabbed my compy and am at the library working on my presentations for the last 2 hours. I am going to go home and make dinner now, take a shower, do more reading, and head to bed early as our bus to Burghley House leaves at 8am and if are not there before 8 you don’t go. I need to leave early tomorrow! I probably wont get a chance to get internet tomorrow as the house is 2 hours away and by the time I write my blog the library would be closed! Sorry you will have to all wait until Friday for updates!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your presentation. Can't wait to hear all about it!!!! And have fun this weekend!!
