Saturday, October 29, 2011

Finally Friday!

I was so tired dragging my butt out of my warm, cozy bed this morning. I was just a slow mover. I managed to leave the house the time, but I walked to the tube slowly in a daze, stared at nothing on the tube, and zombie walked to school. I somehow got myself downstairs to the library and got on a computer. I posted my blog post, shot off an email and then remembered why I was in the computer room... i need to print off my handouts for my presentation. Duh. So I quickly printed off 14 copies of the most boring stuff ever, and went upstairs to the common room to eat my Cherrios. I didnt even read Emma (my lastest book. When you dont have internet or friends you tend to read a lot at home) The lecture was Mannerism. Talk about a topic that would have normally put me sleep. gah. The lecturer was really REALLY good and funny so that saved the day. (and kept my eyes open!) I still am not a fan Mannerism, but the lecturer said if sometone wants to make a name of themselves then we should crack the code of Mannerism. No thanks.... I would rather discover something cooler! :)
After lecture I ate lunch and started to panic about my presentation. There really wasnt anything I could do about it though. It was as good as it was going to be. I still re-read the article (i didnt retain anything but it made me feel better!) Then it was time. I headed to lecture. I was one of the first three there which is always fun because outside of lecture Michael Michael is really fun. We talked about NY state because I had mentioned I was tired of explaining to everyone that I live 7 hours away from the city and the state is bigger than Manhattan. He fed us cookie/candy things. It was really hard to only take the polite amount of them because 1. I was really hungry and 2. I was nervous so i wanted to eat everything in sight.

Julia was the other presenter today and she blew me out of the water. Completely. She went first too which is always awesome... following a good presentation when yours is mediocre just sucks. I have no idea what we talked about. I do not understand what Kant was saying at ALL. He is crazy and elitist. That is what I got. I am not a fan of philosophers that talk all aloof and wordy. I would like t understand your genius ideas, not hate you for your writing style. I think my professor dumbed down his theories for us... but I didnt get the dumbed down version either. Yup... Im a winner. How did I get into this program you may ask?? Your guess is as good as mine!

At 3 (after an hour and a half of Kant) it was tea break. (10 minute tea break but one none the less) Then I was up. I sat in the scary chair and tried not to look through everything on his desk, and then started my pathetic overview of the article. All and all it didnt go too badly. He did ask me a question at one point that I had no idea what the answer was. Thanks to having red hair, my face can turn into a tomato faster than a Ferrai goes 0-60mph. He didnt ask me a question after that. hahahaha :) I think I almost got more confused at what Bourdieu was saying as we went through the text together. Obviously I got the very basics of the article and nothing more. Eh. Whatever. We ended up debating the education system in every country that we had represented in the room (Japan, New Zealand, France, England, and the USA) Basically every one was amazed that I went to a public school (I need to stop admitting that) and that I didnt get much of an education in the Classics. Duh... I went to school in rural Western NY. Oh also everyone wanted to know why I chose to take Spanish in high school instead of a romantic lang that would have really helped me in Art History. Then they were shocked I didnt have a choice. After everyone stared at me for a bit, we debated the whole point of education and the ideal education system. We didnt come up with one! Then we got back into my article and I made an idiot of myself. I said I wondered how good of a survey that Bourdieu did to chart preferences of taste amongst social classes. Well..... apparently he did a good job as this model is still used by every advertising company and magazine out there. Cool.

I was so relieved when class was over. Walking out of that room was awesome. I decided to just go home tonight. I got my water bill. Woo and then I spotted a little postcard for me! I had gotten a package so I had to go to the post office to grab it before 5. I basically ran the 3 blocks and grabbed it! It was like Christmas!
I decided that I really need to do laundry this weekend. I had seen a super Tesco (kinda like a super walmart) near Brent Cross shopping center so I found the right bus and went over there. It ended up going to the mall part of the shopping center so I needed another bus to go to Tescos. I finally got there and.... they were out of racks to dry my clothes on. The ONE thing i need, and the reason I dragged my butt all the way out there. Where in this city is a freaking drying rack! I cant find one! So frustrating.

I came home defeated and ate dinner (left over meatballs with some potatos and such) and I am planning on skipping the shower and going to bed early tonight. Tomorrow is the library, Buckingham Palace, the V&A and then home to do some work!


  1. I'm glad that you made it through your presentation without a problem! When will you know your grade?

    I hope that you had fun today!! And what is the V&A? Miss you :)

  2. I actually dont get graded on the presentation itself... just the paper I write from it. I just didnt want to look retarded! The V%A is the Victoria and Albert Museum. Sorry! :)

  3. Oh ok. Thanks :) Appreciate that!!
