Sunday, October 23, 2011

Waste of the day/ Potential Friends?

Today really doesn’t even deserve a blog post! I didn’t do anything really. Just wasted my day. I slept in (which was nice) and went out to the post office before it closed. Then I came back and had soup for lunch. I had picked Lentil and Bacon without thinking what a Lentil was. I finished the can but I really don’t think Ill be buying it again! It looked gross and didn’t taste all that great! Then I headed off the the library and hung out all day. I surfed the internet, read my article and decided I really have no idea what the guy is saying, and skyped my parents. I shouldn’t have gone so early because I ended up just waiting around to skype mom and dad. I couldn’t really focus on what I was reading because there were kids running around, and people talking. Basically I accomplished nothing so at the moment I am frustrated and grumpy.

Alright…. Well I wrote that part yesterday when I was I a bad mood! After my waste of a morning I went out to Betsys house for dinner. She had 4 of us girls over. Katie, Leslie, Blair and I were there and it was actually fun. Dinner was good, had some cider, and talked about school and other random things. It was nice to be out with people and have someone to talk to so I am really hoping that last night was a first step towards friends. I learned that Leslis is from North Tonawanda!! How crazy is that?? We both almost fell out of our chairs! Blair and I are in a lot of the groups at school together so I can talk to her! The groups go by last name so Im with the same people over and over. Ill make an effort to talk to Blair tomorrow! I got back late even though I was the first to leave. I didn’t want the tube to shut down on me and I have to figure the buses out at midnight. I couldn’t remember when the Jubilee line shut down (I have just started using it!) so I left at 10:40 and got home an hour later. It was a good night!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear that you hung out with some girls! Hopefully that will be the start of something :) Sounded like you had a good night!!
