Thursday, October 13, 2011

Busy Busy Day

Phew today has been long and hectic but there isn’t much to write about! I woke up, got ready and told the Dragon to have fun in France. I was than informed that she is going to enjoy France… not have fun. She is spending time with a girlfriend so one enjoys the time, they don’t have fun. Geez. So up to the very last moments with her I was rolling my eyes. I went to class and sat through a torturous lecture on printmaking. He ran over by 15 minutes so it really was the lecture that wouldn’t end.

We only had a half day today so when I handed in my confirmation form for Venice I asked about my student letters and they had them! So I ran home (or took the tube for an hour) and grabbed my check and other info and headed to the nearest HSBC bank. I set up an account and deposited my loan check. In four days I can touch that money which is perfect because Im moving in Wednesday to my new home!

After the bank I decided to head to Saliburys (kinda the walmart of London) to grab my bedding for my new place. Its kinda ugly… well not ugly. Just very teen era looking. I wanted the cheapest one and this set was more than half off so that was the one I have. If any of you remember my room freshman year of college….the shower curtain that I put over my closet…. That is what my new duvet looks like. Blue, green and white dots. I am over that look but loved the 21 pound savings! I hulled that all back on the tube and my ten minute walk home. That was fun. Im home now very tired but with lots to do. Its peaceful here without the dragon and I love the fact that I am never seeing her again!

Off to finish my paper, eat dinner, more work, shower and bed! Wow exciting!


  1. When does your lease with the Dragon end? Are you going to get screwed out of next months rent with her? Did you tell her you're moving? I'm very curious and need more details!

  2. Sounds like a busy day! Glad that you found bedding!! Make sure to do all your laundry before you leave her house. haha :)

  3. Jessi: I dont have a lease. I just fork over the cash every Sunday. Im being evil and leaving her a note... I move out Wednesday and she comes home Friday.

    Katie: Im doing ALL my laundry before I leave!! :)
