Saturday, October 22, 2011


I went to bed last night at 10:30.. partly from boredom and partly because I was really really tired. I had a rough night for a few hours from about 7-9. I was really lonely but I cried it out and was ok after. This adjustment has been harder than I expected. I think also I was so overwhelmed with the Dragon that I didn’t really settle into London. I was running from one thing to another trying to stay out of the house. Now that I have stopped and relaxed I feel very alone!! Hopefully Ill adjust (im sure I will!) and be ok. It is peaceful living alone. I don’t want to do it forever though! I am just thankful that I feel so comfortable in my apartment. Im not scared at all! I was un-easy in the Dragons Lair alone at night. There was too much space and emptiness. Here it is small and cozy and I have met the family upstairs which is comforting! She seems nice and its not a creepy loner man above me! :) I haven’t met the other tenant who lives below me but Im ok!

Today was rough just in the sense that I woke up and my phone said that I didn’t have any credit left (no calls or texts for me!) and I went to check my email and it said that my internet was gone too. It just wasn’t a great 5 minutes to my day. I got out of bed late but managed to get out the door at 8:50. I need to chill and just accept that fact that I can change my schedule because me leaving at 8:50 gets me to school at 9:30. 45 minutes early for class and 35 minutes early for being early enough to get a good seat for lecture! (Something that I am trying to get used to. Class is “lecture” and you never go to THE lecture, you just go to lecture. Kind of like how they go to university.) I am becoming a nerd. I was one before Ill admit, but Im getting to class early to get a good seat?? Really? What have I become?

Lecture today was EPIC… like sit on the edge of your seat and scribble as fast as you can epic. (that confirmed my nerdiness!) It was an hour and a half of….. RENAISSANCE AMOUR!!! Woo! I learned so much!! One thing was that Hollywood lies (ok well I knew that..) and when the depict knights who can barely move under the weight of their amour its wrong. Its light way and flexible and you can do summersaults in them! As our tutor said today… if one went into battle with the Hollywood version, fell down and couldn’t get up that is suicide… something the knights actually wanted to avoid! Also most “suits” of amour were not made for battle, but for jousting, parades and just plain showing off!! Look at all you learned! I am paying thousands of pounds to learn this stuff and you all just learned it for free! You are welcome! :)
After lecture I snagged a computer to check facebook, figure out how to top-up my phone, and check email. I was dreading my seminar. I didn’t know what to expect from it. 1:30 came really fast and I headed to Dr. Michael Michael’s office. (yes that is his name. He explained it to us. When the British colonized the Welsh tribes they undid their naming system of taking their ancestors names. They took family names away to simplify everything and it left him with Michael Michael) I was the second one there and he is actually nice. He fed us digestive cookies (it means they are made from whole wheat. Something else I learned!) (o and after lecture I went to Sainsburys and bought two rolls of them and ate an entire half of the roll) and told us stories about a Jaffa cake. Then it was class. Presenting doesn’t look like it will be horrible horrible. It was still be stressful and Ill be a mess next Friday, but it looks like Ill live through it. Class wasn’t scary, just long. 2 and a half hours of the theory of studying art and beauty gets to you. My brain hurt and I didn’t even understand all of the first article. Lets just say I took TONS of notes. So I lived. That is the good thing!

Lecture ended at 4 and I went all over the city trying to find flat sheet for a reasonable price. I cant figure out where normal Londoners get reasonably prices (not designers) home things. Sigh. I also topped up my phone which was weird. The creepy guy gave me a free SIM card with 30 pounds already on it for no apparent reason at all. So I topped up my current SIM and then got another one with 30 pounds on it. 60 pounds of credit for 30 pounds. I don’t even know how to use it because different SIM means different phone number. Im not changing my phone number again! I may just use it to call home (because a 30 pound top up gives me free international minutes plus 30 pounds worth of UK calls) After finally finding a reasonable blanket (a single duvet for 15 pounds) I decided to ride the bus home.

Tonights wild plans… showering, reading Persuasion (I got it from my local library!), reading my wallpaper book to see if I want it to be my thesis, and probably going to bed. Wow… crazy plans. Tomorrow is the library for wifi!! Woo! I cant wait to have the internet at home. Be thankful for it!

My blog is going to be a day behind for awhile because I dont have the internet at home!

1 comment:

  1. I am learning a lot from you! Haha. The phone thing sounds complicated. Sorry for that! Sounds like you had a couple of good lectures though. Have a wonderful weekend. Can't wait to catch up with you!!
