Monday, October 24, 2011


I don’t know why it was so incredibly hard to get out of bed this morning! I went to bed early (out of boredom really) but I still didn’t drag my butt out of bed until 8:30. It was fine though because I left at 9 and still got to school at 9:30…. 45 mins before class! So I did my normal morning routine of eating my cherrios and reading my book until people started arriving. I chatted and then went into the lecture room. It was a lecture on Venetian painting. Again it was too broad and the only thing I got out of the hour and a half lecture was that Im pumped about going to Venice in March! :) Then we discovered that the Museum rotation that was supposed to happen today was a mistake on the calendar so we really had the afternoon off! Hooray! I love when surprises like that happen! Instead of going to class I walked down Great Titchfield Road to see what was down there and it runs into Oxford Street (which I had NO idea!) I wandered around there and decided to take the bus home and spend the afternoon getting some much needed reading done. I hopped on the 98 and didn’t look at the map… I took it the wrong way. It wasn’t the end of the world because the route was almost over where I got on, but I stil couldn’t believe that I was that stupid. Oh well. I kept riding the bus and an hour and 20 minutes later I was home!

Random thing today… I was on the bus on the way hme (going the right direction finally!) and the route goes by Marble Arch. (basically it’s a small park with a triumphal arch in it) and there was a woman who was covered head to toe in a billowing black cloth (I don’t know the proper name of it) with only a slit for her eyes. She was standing in front of the waterfalls to get her picture taken. Being a western girl I just didn’t get it.

One thing I miss about Parsons Green… I lived by 3 schools. My favorite thing on the morning and afternoon walk were the little primary school boys in their bright red jackets, hats, little shirts, grey knickers and knee high socks. It really was the cutest little thing. I could have stolen one of them! (kidnapping is bad… I know!) It just always reminded me of that phase I went to in high school when I hated Panama so much that I sent away from info so I could apply to boarding schools, on being in the Isle of Man. I used to carry the brochure with me everywhere! Haha. And now here I am going to school in London with still no uniform. How did that happen??

That was basically my day. Nothing crazy to write about. My blog is suffering without the Dragon Lady. I, however, am not! Tonight Im off to the library to post my last two blog entries, email some people and look up the guy I have to read an article about! Again… nothing too exciting!


  1. Haha, you crack me up about the boarding school thing. Please don't take a child. LOL...just take a picture of them all. haha, that sounds bad too. LOL. Sounds like you had a good time exploring though! What fun.

    I'll be thinking of you on Thursday. That is presentation day right? Love you!!

  2. Oh the blog is not suffering, don't give the Dragon that kind of satsifaction! I love hearing about shopping and buses, and cute school uniforms. The Dragon was entertaining because she was horrid [see I have some England lingo heh] but she was slowly killing you from the inside out so she had to go. So glad you're finding things to do! I can't wait to see if/when you decorate!
